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Showing posts from July, 2015

Kota Kediri: Warga Pun Didorong Mandiri

Suasana salah satu sudut Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, Kamis (23/7). Kediri dikenal sebagai kota dagang, jasa, dan pendidikan. Dalam hal perdagangan, Kediri menjadi magnet bagi masyarakat dari daerah lain di sekitarnya. Oleh Defri Werdiono Senin (27/7) ini Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, berulang tahun yang ke-1.136. Dengan moto "Kediri Tersenyum", aneka kegiatan pun digelar, mulai dari upacara, festival, pameran, pentas seni dan budaya, hingga perhelatan jazz. Kota ini seolah ingin tetap menunjukkan semangatnya sebagai kota niaga, jasa, dan pendidikan. Jemari keriput Chamin (55) lihai memainkan alat tenun bukan mesin. Helai demi helai benang dominan merah dan hitam ia susun hingga menjadi selembar kain sarung. Dari pekerjaan inilah, mantan pegawai stasiun pengisian bahan bakar untuk umum (SPBU) itu menafkahi keluarganya.

6 Steps to Effortless Meditation Success!

By Jason  | Expanded Consciousness  Below are 6 of the most common complaints regarding meditation. I’ve outlined them briefly, as well as effective solutions for each. Modify these to fit your personal experiences and situations – take what works for you, and leave the rest for another time. 1. I’m Experiencing Restlessness/I Can’t Relax…What Do I Do? If you work all day in an office or cubicle, your body is naturally going to “unwind and unfold”. As soon as your brain starts sending it signals that it’s time to meditate, things can get wonky! You’re quite literally “shifting gears”, just like any other piece of machinery. Your biological machinery is not dissimilar!

5 Step Meditation for Anxiety Obliteration!

What Are You Spending Your Awareness On?  The goal of raising your awareness (consciousness) is to reestablish contact with the higher portions of yourself, and ultimately remember who you truly are – not who you’ve been told you “need” to be. It’s about remembering and reclaiming what’s locked away within ourselves, by first remembering that we both hold – and are – the key to that very treasure itself. What’s Awareness? When we talk about consciousness, what we’re really talking about is awareness. What is awareness? Exactly what it sounds like. You’re directing your present attention to  something. The question is…what are you paying attention to? On their own, 90%-95% of your decisions are Subconscious , meaning you’re currently unaware of them. They run on auto-pilot, and essentially control your behavior from behind the scenes. To increase your current level of awareness is to bring more of that Subconscious darkness into the light , and recl...